It is one of the best selling game and gained 86/100. The Sims 3 is published by Electronic Art. The Sims 3 is a strategic life simulation game, which amuse the player with lots of misdemeanour and endless creative missions. Download The Sims 3 For Free on PC Full Version With All Expansion Packs/DLC's 2019 - Works on Windows XP/Vista7/8/8.1/10.ItsaprilXD’s How to install Mods on a Mac Guide – The Sims 3 itsaprilXD has written this brilliant tutorial on how to install mods on a Mac for The Sims 3.Pros: Nice graphics Cons: Freezing (every 20min) Crashing (every 20min) Glitches - your Sim will get stuck in one place and won't move. I like the Sims, don't get me wrong, but there are so many problems with SIms 3 for mac I don't think it's worth the money, unless EA fixes the problem (don't hold your breath). Please feel free to leave a comment if you think there’s a bug I’ve missed. If I know of a solution or workaround I have posted the link. Some have definite solutions, some have potential workarounds, and others currently render the game unplayable. Below is a list of the Mac bugs that I currently know of in the Sims 3.