Finally, on behalf of the conference organizing committee, let me express my grateful feeling and great appreciation to all of you for your participation at the conference. This, I wish all participants are able to take a part on this occasion enthusiastically and will have opportunities to enhance their knowledge on English language and culture. Distinguished Guests, Ladies, and Gentlemen I do hope that this conference will run well and be able to contribute to the enhancement of the quality of the English teaching.

I believe that it is a very good theme, enabling English teachers and other professionals from all over the world to share their knowledges and experiences. The theme of this conference is concerned with literature, language, and creative industries in multicultural bases. Ladies and Gentlemen It is a great pleasure for us to have an outstanding opportunity to organize the International Conference on Enrichment of Career by Knowledge of Language and Culture (ECKLL VI). I also feel honored to bid you all welcome to the International Conference.

Soetomo University, Distinguished speakers and participants Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Good Morning I would like to extend the profound gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing us the opportunity, strength, and health that we are able to attend the forum conference. 84 Surabaya Jawa Timur, Indonesia Telp: (031) Fax: (031) iiĤ ADDRESS BY THE CHAIR OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE The honorable Rector of Dr. Dimas Catur Prayogo Theresa Sunjaya Diterbitkan oleh: Jl. Editors Rahadiyan Duwi Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum. (Dean of the Faculty of Letters) Chair of Committee Drs. 3 INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ECKLL VI Theme Literature, Language, and Creative Industries in Multicultural Bases Proceeding Responsible Person Dra.